Maven: Redefining Social Connection

A new social network called Maven thinks it can save us all from the misery of traditional social media by eliminating followers and likes. Instead, users join private “clubs” where they share interests and chat without worrying about their follower count. Maven aims to foster genuine connections and reduce online stress. Sounds like just what we needed – another social platform claiming to revolutionize our digital lives.

Google’s ‘Web-Only’ Search: Back to Basics

Oh, the irony! Google’s groundbreaking new feature lets you perform a “web” search. Yes, you read that right—a web search on Google. They’re rolling it out and in tests on desktop, it looks like it might just be the most revolutionary change to their search engine since, well, ever.

This magical setting filters out all the extra clutter Google loves to pack into search results, leaving you with just links and text—how novel! It even blocks Google’s new AI Overviews. Groundbreaking, isn’t it?

You might be scratching your head and asking, “Isn’t every search a web search? Isn’t Google Search basically the web?” Well, yes, but now there’s a shiny new button for it. So, you know, progress.

Google Photos запускает поисковую систему «Ask Photos» на основе ИИ

Google Photos ввел новую функцию поиска на основе искусственного интеллекта под названием «Ask Photos», которая позволяет пользователям находить фотографии, задавая конкретные вопросы о них. Это обновление направлено на то, чтобы сделать поиск фотографий таким же простым, как общение с вашим любимым голосовым помощником ИИ,—потому что нам всем нужна еще одна причина отвлекаться на поиск фотографий. Функция использует передовые технологии распознавания изображений и контекстного понимания, делая ее похожей на личного библиотекаря фотографий, который никогда не берет выходных.

Google Photos Launches AI ‘Ask Photos’ Search

Google Photos has rolled out a new AI-driven search feature dubbed “Ask Photos,” enabling users to find pictures by asking specific questions about them. This update aims to make photo searches as easy as chatting with your favorite AI assistant—because we all need another reason to procrastinate via photo hunts. The feature leverages advanced image recognition and contextual understanding, making it a bit like having a personal photo librarian that never takes a break.

Digital Safety Theater

Ah, the beacon of digital responsibility, X (once called Twitter), has gallantly stepped up to block searches for Taylor Swift. Why? Because the internet just can’t resist making AI-generated graphic fakes of the beloved pop star. So, in a bold move to “prioritize safety,” X implemented what might be the least effective digital blockade since the invention of the hashtag.

If you try searching “Taylor Swift” or “Taylor Swift AI,” you’re greeted with the ever-so-helpful “Something went wrong” message. But fear not, intrepid internet user! By simply playing a little word jumble with the search terms or adding quotation marks, you can easily bypass this formidable security measure. Because, as we all know, those extra two seconds it takes to rearrange words or type quotes are a huge deterrent!

Truly, X’s latest effort is a masterclass in superficial solutions to complex problems.